HU-UFMA/EBSERH Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal do Maranhão Rua Barão de Itapary, 227 Centro CEP: 65. Lee hull is 47’ long (14. This file is required for the proper functioning of applications that use the UFMA. Reviewers satisfied with UkrainianFiancee most frequently mention ufma agency. Civil engineering. Para baixar e instalar o Mozilla Firefox acesse esse link (link externo) Esse programa aconselhado para utilizar o sistema, por ser melhor visualizado. Here is a rare bird: a 6m (19’-8”) sailing proa for sale. Reports Proas. 19 February 2019 Editor 10 Comments. Siga a UFMA nas redes sociais:. Our marriage agency is situated in the city with the most beautiful ladies of Ukraine. com. Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA) has an overall rating of 4. The most likely answer for the clue is MALAYOUTRIGGERS. Tropic Bird was 34 feet wide, weighed 24,000 pounds, had an outrigger with 33,000 pounds of bouyancy, and over 450,000 foot-pounds of “righting moment” (that means. Construction is foam and glass, foam is primarily ½ inch, 5 PCF (pounds per cubic foot) Gpet foam (10 sheets) with one sheet of 12mm Corecell M80 for bottom panels. . 386, DE 26 DE MAIO DE 2023, nos dias 8 e 9 de junho, haverá ponto facultativo em todos os câmpus da instituição, devido à celebração de Corpus Christi. Projeto Foco Acadêmico. Presta serviços aos alunos da UFRA de. Adventures ensued. Much thanks for the building report, Skip! -EditorProud Mary was built from 4 sheets of 1/4 ply, epoxy/glass, a few bits of leftover woods I had laying around, an old 9m kite and salvaged bits of windsurf and lazer rigs. Para realizar su reservar llámenos al. Keep me in this conversation via [email protected]: auxílio moradia. outrigger sail boat. io you will find 1 solutions. Google to translate. Originally, proas were developed in Oceania from dugout canoes by tying an additional log as. The plans are available here at CLC Boats. Proaler Skate. This will mean that she’s for real and less likely to unexpectedly leave you without any warning at all. edital nº 010/2023 - ufma ii convocaÇÃo do edital proaes 2023. 20 following. However, in contrast to the much larger. com jornalismo. Tacking rather than shunting. QB Design and. Munroe was building a "cheap and dirty" sharpie hull made of two 32-foot (9. Sail-plan of a proa. Contact:Si desea más información visite Nota: Las recomendaciones recogidas en esta ficha técnica se deben considerar a título orientativo y para situaciones generales, denegando Proas cualquier responsabilidad por un uso indebido. (I had two boats at once)In 1668 Spanish soldiers and missionaries established a permanent settlement on Guahan. The terms were used for native Austronesian ships in European records during the Colonial era indiscriminately, and thus can confusingly refer to the double-ended single-outrigger boats of Oceania, the double-outrigger boats of Island Southeast Asia, and sometimes ships with no outriggers or sails at all. The trimaran is the worst case, having a righting arm a full 7. PROAS fue fundada en 1957 y dentro del Gru-po CEPSA es la responsable de la comercialización delLa Fundació. La MANGUE BLEUE appears to be a large cruising Pacific proa, intending to employ a crab claw schooner rig! He says: I’m currently building a proa in New Caledonia. medium. Drua, also known as na drua, n'drua, ndrua or waqa tabu ("sacred canoe", Fijian pronunciation: [ɰa ŋɡa ta mbu] ), is a double-hull sailing boat that originated in the south-western Pacific islands. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesUniversidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA. Im thinking fairly full ends and some freeboard at the ends, though not too much windage. Discentes aprovados deverão aguardar a convocação para a assinatura do Termo deInterior accommodations. However it scored with no rudders or centreboard and was. Skip Johnson is building another proa! An avid contributor to the old Proafile forum(RIP), Skip has built some truly radical proas in his day. I used the TIKI's beams only bent, it was great work. Portanto serão ofertados auxílio alimentação, bolsa aprimoramento acadêmico, bolsa atleta, auxílio creche, auxílio moradia, auxílio transporte e. The company is headquartered in Gursken, Norway. Notes: bc = back cover c = front cover ic = inside cover ibc = inside back cover p = picture * = superceded by later publication #13 = Self Steering 3rd edition (earlier editions have different page nos) #78 = Cruising catamarans 2nd edition (earlier edition has different page nos)Este é o canal do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História e Conexões Atlânticas: Culturas e Poderes, da Universidade Federal do Maranhão. The Best Martial Arts classes in Canada. Updated November 2023: Here are three steps to using a repair tool to fix exe problems on your computer: Get it at this link. Pertence a Universidade Federal do Maranhão, que também opera a Universidade FM, tendo finalidade educativa e cultural, sendo também a primeira emissora de TV universitária do Maranhão. partenón, 12 - 28042 madrid fax: 91 337 71 33 - proas@cepsa. All women in the Gallery are also located in these 2 [email protected] Total Number of words made out of Proas = 36 Proas is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 7 points. Skip Johnson is building another proa! An avid contributor to the old Proafile forum(RIP), Skip has built some truly radical proas in his day. We have over 20 years experience safely removing asbestos from homes and workplace across the. Data. A PROAES torna públicos os seguintes editais para concessão de bolsas e auxílios referentes a 2021. Las proas retráctiles son aquellos diseños que permiten ajustar la forma y tamaño de la proa según las condiciones de navegación. The main, longer hull is known as a waka. 122 likes · 10 were here. From small, paddled workboats, proas grew to. There was a big French multihull that tried a hydroplaning design. Video: Marshall islands canoe Launching (and capsizing) small one man proa. second-person singular present subjunctive of pròere; Spanish [edit] Noun [edit] proas. Harris. Much later, I realized that a proa is first and foremost a canoe. Basketball Bundesliga, which consists of the two hierarchical leagues ProA and ProB. Florida Pest Management Association. PROA’s Peter Mendiola snatched 9 points for the team. Consisting of 15 islands (of which Guam is the largest. Be kind and courteous. (Saiba mais) 21/08/2023. 3uy 5hlwruldgh$v vxqwrv(vwxgdqwlv 3urdhv &lgdgh8qlyhuvlwiuld v q )rqh -7822 &(3 &dpsr*udqgh 06 kwwsv surdhv xipv eu h pdlo gllhv surdhv#xipv eu Epicure is an Indian proa built by Alu Yachting of Quimperlé (South Britanny) in welded alloy, chosen for its cost and strength. Structurally, this kind of proa is much simpler than either catamarans or trimarans due to the much smaller cross beam loads. Chapter 11) Multihulls - catamarans, proas, trimarans. EXE include a missing or corrupt file, or in some cases, a malware infection. Reports New Designs Boatbuilding Proas. It is not clear that traditional proas of the Pacific islanders could plane, though the long, slender hull would have a much higher speed/length ratio than other contemporary designs. Assim, ele visa preencher uma significante lacuna na formação de massa crítica. Oct 5. Descubre oraciones que usan proas en la vida real. Proa design: T2 proa under sail. proas oficinas centrales: avda. The new owner of MADNESS has submitted some recent pics and videos of the 31’ proa doing his thing on Chesapeake Bay. Proas. Proas this size are suprisingly small. Proafile - multihull design concepts and review. Much thanks for the building report, Skip! -EditorConfira o passo a passo de como se cadastrar nas bolsas oferecidas pela PROAS. O edital PROAES Nº 08/2022 divulga o resultado final e a convocação para a pré-matrícula dos candidatos selecionados no processo seletivo de vagas ociosas para os cursos de. Share your boats,. Both ends of each hull are identical, but the hulls are of. The design is a fusion of his 30-foot plywood Jzero design from the 1970’s, his more-refined cold molded 36-footer Jzerro, from 1993, and my own experiences with the proa Mbuli, which John C. To handle the extra sail area the boat gained structure and weight. As outlined in The Case for the Cargo Proa, physics favors the proa configuration in the case of widely varying displacement. Weight complete without crew, food or diesel. Repair the exe errors with software tool. The outrigger, or "ama," is meant to be kept to windward at all times. arrow_forward. This fi le could have been generated in an earlier proas session (by entering the data through the keyboard and saving them into an output file), or by using any text editor. Reports New Designs Boatbuilding Proas. Jun 11, 1917 - Jan 17, 2010 . As such, it was a successful design, much admired and coveted. Edital Nº 010/2023 -. by Craig O'Donnell - Still Pond, Maryland - USA. Português: A Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA) é uma universidade pública brasileira, sediada em São Luís, Maranhão. 8 m) planks, a couple of bulkheads and a crossplanked bottom. Palindrome was designed to be “the most boat we could get for the money”, says Dillon. (prō′ə) also prau (prou) or prah·u (prä′o͞o) n. MADNESS is a plywood and epoxy Pacific Proa design of John C. Para acessá-lo, CLIQUE AQUI . ) es una compañía del Grupo CEPSA, empresa líder en la exploración, refino y comercialización de derivados del petróleo. Reports New Designs Boatbuilding Proas. Who is Proas. UFMA - 2021 - Professor Substituto - Edital nº 238. Created Jun 11, 2018. br. My introduction to modern proas, after designing, building and sailing my offshore catamarans, was aboard Tony Williams’ proa. UNIVERSIDADEFEDERALDOMARANHÃO Pró-reitoriadeEnsino c)Acompanhar todas as atualizações referentes a este Processo Seletivo, a serem divulgadas na página oficial da UFMA, na internet, disponível em:Proas, Petrogal and Nynäs requested an extension of the deadline to reply to the Statement of Objections. He says: Proa MADNESS has been back in the water for 1 year and logged approx. To determine it's path, open Task Manager, go to View -> Select Columns and select "Image Path Name" to add a location column to your Task Manager. 5m), windward hull 35’ long (10. Resultados. Henrik Richter-Alten has submitted a new proa development project to Proafile called Proasis. To remind us that not all proas are watercraft, we exhibit the 1958 Zündapp Janus. Drua. Comparative Analysis. The crab claw has the potential to become a desirable cruising rig for many types of sailboat, not just proas. Quer ver uma iniciativa bacana do seu curso divulgada na página oficial da UFMA? Envie informações à Ascom por WhatsApp (98) 98408-8434. We found 1 solutions for Proas. Pró-Reitoria de. But given big enough seas and enough wind, ANY cat, tri, or proa can. Proas de doble cubierta 2,546 likes, 55 comments - UFMA (@ufmaoficial) on Instagram: "Se liga! A UFMA, por meio da Pró-Reitoria de Assistência Estudantil - PROAES, torna público no. Pinned Tweet. [Alteration (probably influenced by Portuguese and Spanish proa, prow) of Early Modern English prow, alteration (influenced by prow) of earlier praw, ultimately. Rigged as a schooner with free-standing masts, the seller states the boat features kick-up rudders, solar-electric propulsion system (range 20+ km), yuloh, ground tackle, easy motion while sailing, fast in light winds, sleeping space for one, maybe two, ample storage lockers, watertight. If you find a suspicious. 8623. Para mais informações envie um e-mail. I am planning on building a 54 foot proa to my own design, and would appreciate any extra pearls of wisdom on the subject. Para casos particulares se contactará con el Departamento Técnico de Proas. Druas do not tack but rather shunt (stern becomes the bow and vice versa). It is angled up away from the water, so that waves will not hit it while sailing. Proa definition: A swift Malayan sailboat with a triangular sail and single outrigger. Forum discussions with the word. They are double-enders in the truest sense of the word, meaning their bows and sterns are reversible. Provas e etapas edital UFMA. Edital Nº 010/2023 - UFMA II CONVOCAÇÃO DO EDITAL PROAES 2023. Most modern proas tend to be updated copies of the traditional types or. 172 posts. He says: Proa MADNESS has been back in the water for 1 year and logged approx. Sidecar is 8. Which is really quite a shame. This leads to cost savings, safety, and robustness. URL principal da instituição. br. Proas- the original multihulls- are rather rare these days. 06/11/2023. The last name Proa is the 123,864 th most widely held family name throughout the world, held by approximately 1 in 1,978,698 people. It might be about time for someone to build something or sail something somewhere and tell us about it -- so Robb White can have a break from filling Messing About ’s pages. REABERTURA DE INSCRIÇÕES PARA O EDITAL DA PROAES Nº 08/2023. Mira ejemplos de proas en español. We are both involved in the Low Carbon Sea Transport Project at WAM*. Kharkov is a safe European city. Vocabulario. Assistência estudantil UFMA - CAMPUS IMPERATRIZInformações institucionais. 07 January 2005 comments. Cold molded 40 ft LOA pacific proa, similar in many ways to Jzerro including main hull rocker and lee pod. The Camel: a sailing cargo proa. Data safety. Civil engineering near Cepsa PROAS. Credit: Peter Richardson. 5 m. Toning down the rad half a notch for his latest, QB is a well-proportioned pocket cruiser, using a novel construction method of Gpet sheet foam core and fiberglass. Russell Brown on Proas interview w/ John Harris at clcboats. Auxílio Moradia Estudantil, para os estudantes oriundos de outros municípios, estados e/ou países, através de duas modalidades: a) Residência Universitária – concessão de vaga em uma das Unidades Habitacionais da UFMA; b) Prestação Pecuniária – concessão de recurso financeiro por meio de. for $3500 US, with her 2 hp Yamaha 2-cycle outboard and a custom trailer. Where UFMA is located. improve or optimize them, these in-Early and Recent Tuna . CERTIFIED AND RELIABLE PROFESSIONALS. The Proa Rationale. The university is spread across Maranhão with campuses in nine of its cities. Ejemplos. If he keeps this up he might be stricken with carpal tunnel syndrome. ; 25 cm 96 02 27 Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2019-03-12 03:10:57 Bookplateleaf 0008A typical fishing canoe of Samoa, showing a simple ama for balance. Las proas retráctiles son aquellos diseños que permiten ajustar la forma y tamaño de la proa según las condiciones de navegación. 78 MB and the latest version available is 1. Cadastro de Reserva - Auxílio Moradia- Modalidade Residência. Due to the length of the three 6mm plywood sheets, I decided on a total length for the boat of 7. Micronesian proa, Caroline walap of Pohnpei. Reports New Designs Boatbuilding Proas. By John C. At Pregame, all our sports betting experts have the experience, knowledge, and qualifications necessary to provide successful picks. VENTA Y CONSIGNACION DE EMBARCACIONES ACCESORIOS CURSOS NAUTICOSCepsa PROAS is located in Alcalá de Henares. It’s certainly a more complex formula, incorporating countless layers of additional data, but the processing power of modern. No Questões de Concursos você encontra esta e outras provas atualizadas e organizadas. Copiar url Imprimir. for over 4 winters. The ballast tank is filled using very simple and reliable plumbing: a. Aplicada em 11/06/23 - Nível Superior. The folks at Pjoa. also prau or prah·u n. " UFMA on Instagram: "Se liga!Proas are a variety of multihull with two hulls, but they are not catamarans. DECLARAÇÃO DE RENDA. (An extended rumination on the whole adventure of that particular design to come. One big hull, one little hull. The Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA) was founded in 1966 and is located in the northeastern state of Maranhão, Brazil. All women in the Gallery are also located in these 2 cities. The PROAs were able to aggressively push past the Rollers during the first quarter of the game and grab hold of the driver’s seat of the game by three points, 15-12. Anagrams of proas. Proas Agency | 8 followers on LinkedIn. Anyone know of any succesful cruising proas? Or better yet, have experience sailing on one? Any proa relevant links, opinions etc. net dictionary. (Saiba mais) 20/09/2023. Any value over 1 means gross profit from the order. Lista Pacific proa. ' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. That's still pretty light for a 20-foot sailboat, and much fun was had. . TV UFMA é uma emissora de televisão brasileira sediada em São Luís, capital do estado do Maranhão. Tropic Bird was 34 feet wide, weighed 24,000 pounds, had an outrigger with 33,000 pounds of bouyancy, and over 450,000 foot-pounds of “righting moment” (that means. As provas estão dentro de seus diretórios com nomes respectivos as matérias. Outras notícias. Florida Petroleum Marketers and. UkrainianFiancee has a rating of 4. The top solutions are determined by popularity, ratings and frequency of searches. . Pró-Reitoria De Assuntos Estudantis - Proaes UFF, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Retired boatbuilder Chris Maas lives in the San Juans on an island with no ferry service, so he built this fantastic electric foiling catamaran from recycled parts to be his commuter. The Polynesian term vaka is the main hull, the ama is the outrigger, and the aka or iako (Hawaiian) is the support connecting the two (not three) hulls. com. Featured. Prova UFMA - 2019 - UFMA - Analista de Tecnologia da Informação. INTRODUCCIÓN PROAS PRODUCCIÓN DE DERIVADOS DEL BETÚN PROAS (PRODUCTOS ASFÁLTICOS S. Criada pela Resolução nº 193 de 13 de fevereiro de 2014, constituindo-se em um órgão auxiliar da Reitoria da UFMA, que tem por finalidade propor, planejar, coordenar, executar e avaliar programas, projetos, serviços e ações que promovam a Assistência Estudantil na Universidade Federal do Maranhão na perspectiva de garantir e ampliar as condições de permanência dos. What does PROA mean? Information and translations of PROA in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Awesome UFMA . Website. proas Documentation, Release 2. But in general, proas are not boats made to offer lots of creature comforts. In their arrogance they set about the business of systematically destroying a culture and society that they considered had no right to exist. JZERRO on video. MODO DE EMPLEO El soporte sobre el que vaya a aplicarse el Proamastic Sintético deberá presentar una superficie. Inscrições para os discentes vão até o dia 3 de julho de 2023. Join Facebook to connect with Proas Perú and others you may know. See examples of PROA used in a sentence. " Observations on Pacific proas by Russell Brown, 3 Sep 2011; JZERRO haul out Dec 2013, Port Townsend, WA; JZERRO on video Pacific Proa Jzerro in Port Townsend - September 2012 Jzerro underballasted and hard on it Proa Jzerro. ppghis. Obs: algumas funcionalidades, ainda não migradas, podem ser encontradas nesta versão. Keeping the Proa in Epic News Proas Racing. Skip Johnson is building another proa! An avid contributor to the old Proafile forum(RIP), Skip has built some truly radical proas in his day. It was the beginning of Guam’s role as. Madness 31-foot Pacific Proa. itz@ufma. like scars—each coffee bush now exhales a dead slave. Sgian Ghlas (Grey Knife in Gaelic) is a new 24’ foam cored fiberglass proa submitted by Topher Dawson of Ullapool Scotland. 127 E 2nd St Suite A. 11, 13) The minor trauma on the. A Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA) é uma instituição pública de ensino superior que tem como missão formar profissionais competentes e éticos, produzir conhecimento e promover a extensão, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico e cultural do Maranhão. bow. 152, de 21/10/1966 – São Luís - Maranhão. 43' catamaran, 69' proa, 59' catamaran. Weight complete without crew, food or diesel. Coconut is a 24’ sailing fishing proa being built in Honokaa, Hawaii by Tim Mann, for employment in Micronesia as a lagoon taxi, fishing boat and small copra hauler. Jack Lizama nailed 9 points throughout the first quarter sealing the ten minutes allotment time with a lay up shot against two Rollers defenders. The new owner of MADNESS has submitted some recent pics and videos of the 31’ proa doing his thing on Chesapeake Bay. This is Patrick Cudmore’s Seaflier, a solid wing, canted rig, hydrofoil proa built in 1984. UkrainianFiancee ranks 34th among Mail Order Bride sites. The Pacific proa's accommodation space consists of half the length of the large leeward hull plus the overhangs on each side - the leeward "pod" and "bridge deck" to weather. The latest version of ProAS is currently unknown. Read. The initial data are the observatory location, observing date, and the target coordinates. The Camel of the Sea is a sailing multihull cargo vessel designed for operation by a small crew of 3-6 in areas of steady winds and expensive petroleum. By John C. Enewetak walap Video of a big Walap . Ledig stilling. Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association. para dpae. This site is intended to be a collaborative repository for articles on sailing proas, whether home or professionally built, modern or historical; for a definition of a 'proa', please see the wikipedia article here. His GIZMO has been nominated in the Motorboat and Sustainable categories. WikiMatrix. Transparência e Prestação de Contas. ISIC Codes: 4210. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Popa: Se le da este nombre a la terminación posterior de la estructura del barco. 08 stars from 12 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Kharkov is a safe European city. exe. ppghis) ufma. 300 NM. Malay ‘ prahu ’ or proa were said to be more. UFMA is a scam free agency. Proas 1065. Here are some other words you could make with the letters proas, you can also use this lookup tool to help you find words for the popular New York Times game Wordle. 2,383 Followers, 20 Following, 172 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from PPGHis | UFMA (@ufma. enade-ufma Avaliação Institucional Ouvidoria Processo Eleitoral Ensino. Proas are various types of multi-hull outrigger sailboats of the Austronesian peoples. Proas are your number one choice for asbestos removal in Victoria. CHAPTER 1 ACCOUNTING SYSTEM USER INTERFACE Topics covered in this chapter: Server and Accounting Software Login Changing Remote Desktop Session Screen Size (Resolution) Data Entry Locate Value Lookup Help Field FilterDesigns. Edital Nº 012/2023 - PROAES II CONVOCAÇÃO DO EDITAL FOCO ACADÊMICO (SETEMBRO DE 2023 A AGOSTO DE 2024). As outlined in The Case for the Cargo Proa, physics favors the proa configuration in the case of widely varying. Presta serviços aos alunos da UFRA [email protected] Proas. Proas, Blue Haus win in QQ league. Oct 5. projetofocoacademico@ufma. Añadir a lista. What does the word prous mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word prous in our free online dictionary!Proas is a company that operates in the Mechanical or Industrial Engineering industry. oj4. A number of them have been built around the world. Assistência estudantil UFMA - CAMPUS IMPERATRIZ Proas are various types of multi-hull outrigger sailboats of the Austronesian peoples. To facilitate the primary design goals of speed and seaworthiness offshore, and to handle the extra displacement caused by lifting the small hull. Prorrogado Período de Calendário. . The logic of Madness. Proas have a mythical fantasy status, but they are just another form of multihull with their own particular advantages, disadvantages and compromises. A UFMA possui vários campi localizados em. Oldest Proas. Cockpit to windward is the driest place on board. This Polynesian terminology is in common use in the Americas and the Pacific but is almost. No Questões de Concursos você encontra esta e outras provas atualizadas e organizadas. FORMULÁRIOSASSISTÊNCIA ESTUDANTIL NA UFMA. Just Launched Boatbuilding Proas. 3M Total Funding Amount • 38 Number of Investors. English: The Federal University of Maranhão (UFFA) is a brazilian public university, in São Luís , Maranhão . Para mais informações envie um e-mail. Through ages past they have been the only vessels used by the natives. He says: Proa MADNESS has been back in the water for 1 year and logged approx. The mast has also been moved aft on extreme day sailors to further provide more resistance to pitchpoling. Pacific Proa for sale Dock Ranger Proas. Much thanks for the building report, Skip! -Editor. Inscrito en la Real Federación de Fútbol de Madrid y disputando partidos amistosos con equipos nacionales e internacionales del más alto nivel. 2,022 Followers, 127 Following, 221 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Pró-Reitoria de Assuntos Estudantis - PROAES UFRA (@proaes_ufra)Concursos Públicos com inscrições abertas e previstas, empregos, estágios, provas, simulados, apostilas preparatórias e videoaulas. 5m), windward hull 35’ long (10. . prao 6. S. These errors are often encounterd during the launch of MPC Wizard 3. @cdproas. A proa is a narrow beam, multi-hull sailing vessel typically consisting of hulls of unequal lengths. Where UFMA is located. Proas were all the rage back in the 60s when tacking your entire rig (shunting) was a small price to pay for the speed potential of a multihull that had the reduced wetted surface of one main hull and one stabilizing hull. A swift traditional sailboat especially in Southeast Asia and Micronesia, having a triangular sail and single outrigger. Proas cualquier responsabilidad por un uso indebido. I was excited about proas because of a story Jim had told me in one of his letters. Durante la madrugada del 26 de febrero, centinelas británicos descubrieron dos barcos intentando desembarcar en la ensenada donde los barcos británicos se habían quedado anclados. Phone Number +47 90687343.